እንኳን ወደ ብርቱ ተስፋ የህፃናት መርጃ ማዕከል በደህና መጡ!!

Welcome to BErtu Tesfa Children Resource Center !!

BEINg hope for the hopeless is the greatest blessing we ever have!

ተስፋ ለቆረጠ ሰው ተስፋ እንደመጫር ያለ ትልቅ ደስታ ፈፅሞ አይገኝም!

The greatest gift for human is man himself!

ለሰው ልጅ ትልቁ ስጦታ የሰው ልጅ ነው!

- ብርቱ ተስፋ የህፃናት መርጃ ማዕከል

What is new?

አምባሳደሮቻችን በSeifu on EBS በነበራቸው ቆይታ

አምባሳደሮቻችን አርቲስትና ዳይሬክተር ዳዊት ብርሃኑ እና አርቲስት ማስተዋል ወንደሰን በSeifu on EBS በነበራቸው ቆይታ ደስ የሚል የተቋማችን የበጎነት ስራ አንፀባርቀዋል። የሾው አስተናባሪ ስይፉ ፋንታሁንም የ25,000

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አርቲስት ማስተዋል፣ አርቲስት ዳዊት እና የፊልም ፕሮዲዩሰሩ አብርሃም የብርቱ ተስፋ የህፃናት መርጃ ማዕከልን ሲጎበኙ

አርቲስት ማስተዋል፣ አርቲስት ዳዊት እና የፊልም ፕሮዲዩሰሩ አብርሃም የብርቱ ተስፋ የህፃናት መርጃ ማዕከልን ለመጎብኘት እንዲሁም ለማበረታታ በሆሳዕና ከተማ በሚገኘው ማዕከል ዛሬ ተሰይመዋል። አርቲስት ማስተዋል በቋሚነት

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ኢትዮጵያዊነት መልካምነት!

እሁድ ነሐሴ 2 , 7፡30

ኢትዮጵያዊነት መልካምነት!

Addis Abab, SkyLight
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About us

Bertu Tesfa Children Resource Centre was established in 2005 by volunteer Students of FA International School in Hossana. They started by saving from what is given for lunch and for the purchase of some learning materials.

Latter it facing all the challenges it goes with persistence  and started accommodating  orphans and children unable to learn. 

They expanded their center and took some what better compound around 100 meters from Hosanna town Prison center. Today they almost 1000 students who are going to be accommodated. 

What We Do


— Selection Process

BertuTesfa Charity association has its own guideline to select children for the center. There is team which works on such task and goes to the target location and check if it qualify for the center. 


— Helping the selected

The selected candidate will come to our center and given the available help from the center till maturity. BertuTesfa center has aim to make those candidate for the future help the center again or do such charity work in their own. 


— Continual Support

From the time the candidates joined the center they will get continual support. If the candidate has already joined one of the school it will find sponsor for them and their will get continual support for the school.


— We Educate

The center has kindergarten school where it will teach children. For the future it will have school in which students will be boarding and learning there


— We Train

In addition to the formal education children will be given training on some handcrafts by which they might generate income for the center to support them and so on. 


— We Provide Care

For the future we will have care center and consulting center for the students.

Impact Stories

Betsagew, has been A street for the last one year

His full name is called by Bestagaw Temesgen ; The nick name is known as (Kise). It’s been over a year since he left his family due abstract cases, and Hadiya zone cooperated force to against Covid-19 pandemic established to protect street children is one of the few children who have been forced out of the street into the shelter of the BertuTesfa Children’s Resource Center …….

የይስሃቅ ኤርጃቦ የትምህርት ቆይታ በብርቱ ተስፋ መዕከል ለተደረገለት ድጋፍ በአንደበቱ

ሙሉ ስሜ ይስሃቅ ኤርጃቦ ይባላል ተወልጄ ያደኩትን በሹርሞ ዱባንቾ ሲሆን ዕድሜዬ አስራ ስድስት ነው፡፡ በትውልድ ቀዬ አባቴ የራሱ የሆነ ሰፊ መሬት ባይኖረውም ከሰዎች ለትርፈ ጋራ ተከራይቶ ከሚያገኘው ላይ ለትምህርቴ መረጃ ቁሳቁስ ድጋፍ እያደረገልኝ ነገ የመድረስ ህልሜን እንዳለመልም እየመከረኝ ስማር የቆየሁ ቢሆንም በልጅነቴ አባቴን ማጣቴ ትምህርቴን ብቻ ሳይሆን የነገ ተስፋዬን ያጨለመብኝ ክፉ አጋጣሚ ነበር። ህልምን የማልምበትና ትልቅ ቦታ ለመድረስ መንገድ ይሆነኛል ብዬ ተስፋ የማደርገውን ትምህርቴን ለመቀጠል ተስፋ በቆረጥኩ ጊዜ በአቅራቢያ የሚገኝ የሃይማኖት ሰዎች ከጉድለታቸው እየደገፉኝ ትምህርቴን ሳላቋርጥ 5ኛ ክፍል መድረስ ቻልኩኝ፡፡ በዚህም መሀል……
